Kari Wells » Classroom Management

Classroom Management


In my first grade classroom, I use several different methods to encourage positive behavior in my students.  If the student demonstrates the expected behavior, there is some sort of appreciation or reward given.  If the expected behavior is not demonstrated, a consequence will be given.  The behavior I will expect in my classroom is what is expected school wide--Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible.


    Your child will also be exposed to the 8 Keys of Excellence.  These keys are Integrity, Commitment, Balance, Flexibility, Speak with Good Purpose, Ownership, This is It, and Failure Leads to Success.  The meaning behind these words and phrases will be discussed in the classroom and through classroom guidance lessons with Mrs. Oberg, our school counselor.


    I am also using Class Dojo this year, which is a type of online/app classroom management system.  Students earn points for displaying good behavior, but can also lose points for negative behavior.  Individuals can earn points, as well as groups, and the class as a whole. I will monitor the points total for the entire class and when a certain number of points is reached, the class will be rewarded with a Dojo party!  This reward party might include having a classroom picnic, getting to bring a stuffie to school, or an extra recess. You will be able to view your child’s points on the Class Dojo site. I use my computer for this site, but many parents choose to put the app on their phone.  You will be receiving a page of instructions on how to join this site. 


  You may remember the yellow “Paws to Praise” tickets that were used in the past here at Northeast. These will now be light blue and called “Paw-some at SecondSTEP”.  If I see your child doing something that reinforces our SecondSTEP lessons, I will reward him/her with a “Paw-some” ticket.  If your child comes home with one of these, please be sure to praise your child for whatever he/she may have done to earn this reward! I will also hold occasional drawings using these tickets.


  I also use a behavior clip chart system in my classroom. Each student has a clothespin and at the beginning of the day everyone is ‘clipped’ in the middle of the chart.  During the course of the day, if your child displays good behavior, he/she can ‘clip up’. If your child displays negative behavior, he/she may need to ‘clip down’.


  Red and yellow (previously green) behavior slips are used school wide at Northeast, as well. If your child gets a yellow slip, I will send it home in your child’s planner.  There will be a place on the yellow slip for your signature and then you will need to send it back to school in the planner.   If your child gets a red slip, I will involve Mrs. Gundersen and you will most likely be contacted immediately. 


   If you have any questions about these management systems, please feel free to contact me. I am excited to begin a positive new school year!